I no I was embarrassed to show my face in this town last time we walked half naked in front of some auto repair store : ) : ) no no I am really happy to be here today.. we are going to have an awesome shoot!!!!
gosh thats a hard one I think I fucked a normal amount of guys but I did have a few long term boyfriends and when its serious I do not fuck around unless its cool. Now how many guys I fucked in porn a lot I totally lost count years ago woot woot!
Not really...but I guess it depends on what you consider a one night stand...Im not really a counter I just do what I want when I feel like its right : )
I only like a guy to cum in me if I am super comfortable with him for like a long time it feels pretty cool throbbing inside. If not cum on my ass my tits or if ur cool my lips and mouth!