Veronica Avluv
Veronica Avluv


Age: 38
Height: 5'2"
Birthday: 11/23
Birthplace: Dallas, Texas
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Kids: 3
Marital Status: Married
Measurements: 34D-24-34
Stats info was collected on 2017-08-16

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  Veronica Avluv's Q&As

The glamour and the thought that women put into being feminine. I love all of the lingerie and stockings and hats and gloves. When you take the time to dress up for everyday life, you feel powerful and confident, I always try to put my best foot forward in every situation and I believe that includes being dressed up! I watch a lot of the classic movies as well because I adore the styling and the plots and acting are in many ways superior to what Hollywood churns out these days.

  Veronica Avluv's Episodes (1)


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